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DfE Consultation - Children and Young People’s Mental Health: Peer Support

The DfE are consulting over peer support for children and young people's mental health

The Department for Education (DfE) has launched a call for evidence to find out more about peer support within schools, online or in community groups to help children and young people’s mental health.

This follows on from feedback the DfE have received from young people saying that they would like to see more peer support as a way of supporting mental wellbeing, with more opportunities and help in how to provide it effectively. The DfE’s call for evidence seeks to find out:

  • What works in peer support for children and young people’s mental wellbeing
  • The approaches that are currently available; and
  • How things might be improved

Responses are welcomed from those with knowledge and experience of peer support for children and young people’s mental health. Feedback is particularly encouraged from young people as they understand better than anyone the pressures that their peers face.

For further information and details on how to respond, please visit the Department for Education website. The deadline for submissions is 17:00, Thursday 24 March 2016.