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Digital annual review form - your experience

The digital annual review form has been live since Monday 2 September and we have received over 1,000 reviews from you.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted reviews and provided feedback so far.

At this point, we would like to take this opportunity to collect your views and experience using the form. Therefore, if you have used the digital annual review form, please follow the link below to submit your feedback. This will be used to inform future improvements, and we appreciate your time spent on this.

We are pleased to see that the majority of you are already submitting your annual reviews through the new form.

By January 2025, all annual reviews will need to be submitted through the digital annual review form.

If you haven't yet tried the new form, we encourage you to check it out and share your thoughts.

Further information on the digital annual review form and FAQs is available on Kelsi.