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Do your pupils know what’s in their food?

Give your pupils a healthy start to 2017 with the new Be Food Smart resources from Change4Life.

Pupils will find out how much sugar, saturated fat and salt is in their food and drink and how they can make healthier choices through films and curriculum-linked English and Maths activities.

The printed teaching packs are being delivered with the School Fruit and Veg Scheme now. You can also find the contents of the printed pack, along with supporting resources, including an Assembly presentation, films, KS1 and KS2 activities, a parent pack and a campaign guide for pupils on the School Zone.

Download Be Food Smart resources from Change4Life

How to get started

  • Display the Be Food Smart posters in your school
  • Send home the parent packs
  • Take a look at the Key Stage 1 and/or Key Stage 2 teacher guide to help you run English and Maths Be Food Smart lessons
  • Run a 10-20 minute Be Food Smart Assembly using the PowerPoint presentation
  • Run a pupil-led Be Food Smart campaign. Get started with the Our campaign - teacher guide
  • Watch these fun Be Food Smart films to help pupils find out what’s in their food.

Download the new Be Food Smart app

To help bring your lessons to life download the free Change4Life Be Food Smart app today from the App Store or Google Play. The app enables you to scan everyday food and drink to reveal how much sugar, saturated fat and salt is in them. Use the app to accompany the Key Stage 1 and 2 lesson activities in which pupils will discover the sugar content of everyday products and how to make healthier food swaps.

Download the Be Food Smart app here

Watch the new Be Food Smart films

What’s in our breakfast? And how can we find out? Watch two young reporters investigate how much sugar is in our breakfast and how we can make it healthier. The films will help your pupils to see how everyday food can contain surprisingly high amounts of sugar, saturated fat and salt, meaning most of us are eating more than we realise. You’ll also get to see how the Be Food Smart app works in action.

Watch the Be Food Smart films here