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Don't miss out: NHS Mental health experience for Kent's Primary schools is booking up fast

Kent’s NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups launched an exciting and free Good Mental Health Matters resource for Kent's Primary school children in March, and ever since it has been in high demand.

The 'Fantastic Fred Experience' is a live, interactive and educational mental health resource delivered in a touring, pop-up inflatable classroom - without any cost to Primary schools across Kent.

With bookings already being taken into Spring 2020 and 80% of availability already claimed, those schools who haven’t yet expressed their interest are being encouraged to do so soon to avoid missing out. The current bookings will reach in excess of 42,000 children in Kent with a positive mental health message.

GMHM Phase 3 - FF Dome Launch Promo HQ from Drummer on Vimeo.

The Fantastic Fred Experience teaches children in Years 1 to 6 simple and memorable ways to look after their mental health - with the letters in Fred's name representing the areas of educational focus:

  • Food: Eating the right foods
  • Rest: Getting enough sleep
  • Exercise: Being active
  • Digital Devices: Managing time spent online

Up to 60 children can be accommodated for each 30 minute performance, which can be delivered up to 6 times each day - all managed by a professional event team.

The Fantastic Fred Experience is part of the Good Mental Health Matters campaign, launched in 2016, to help raise awareness of mental health among young people in Kent and equip children at a very early age to improve their lifelong emotional resilience.

Rachel Jones, Chair, Kent Children and Young People Mental Health and Well Being Transformation Board, said, said: "The NHS believes that it is essential to reach Primary school-aged children and teach them positive ways in which they can look after their mental health. By providing support through our Primary schools, we aim to prevent many young people from developing mental health challenges as they get older."

The Fantastic Fred Experience is available for Kent Primary schools to book for free by visiting the Good Mental Health Matters website or calling 01892 750900.

Contact Details

The Fantastic Fred Team
Telephone: 01892 750900
Good Mental Health Matters website