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Early Career Teacher (ECT) induction – register with The Education People induction team now

Have you any ECTs starting their ECT induction period from September 2022?

If you have ECTs starting their induction period from September 2022, they will need to be registered with an Appropriate Body in order for them to start their induction period. To register them with The Education People Induction Team, log in to your ECT Manager account at the Kent-Teach website. Alternatively contact the team using the details below.

Delivery of the Early Career Framework

In addition to induction, we can also support you with the delivery of the Early Career Framework which is a new requirement from September 2021.

There are three options available for the delivery of the Early Career Framework:

  1. a full induction programme (FIP) led by a provider who designs and delivers a programme of face to face and online training for ECMs (mentors) and ECTs.
  2. a core induction programme (CIP) where schools deliver their own training using free DfE accredited resources and materials.
  3. a school-based programme (SBP) where schools design and deliver their own ECF programme.

We have teamed up with one of the six lead providers of the ECF - Best Practice Network, to deliver a full induction programme (option 1). Having successfully reached the end of year one of our first cohort, we have made adjustments for it to run even more smoothly next year. We have the added benefit of being able to offer the face to face training in a number of districts across Kent to ensure the sessions are easily accessible. There is no additional cost for your ECTs to follow our Full Induction programme.

If the ‘full induction programme’ is your preferred option and you would like us to deliver the ECF programme in partnership with Best Practice Network, please follow the instructions below. The DfE step-by-step guidance can be found on GOV.UK

ECT and ECM registration process for the ECF:

  • School Induction Tutors chosen for the ECF must register their ECTs and Mentors on the DfE Online Service (whichever Lead Provider you choose will then collect additional details directly from the ECTs and ECMs to enable allocation to their local training group).

Registering with Best Practice Network - the registration is twofold:

  • If your school has not yet had an ECT, or is changing Lead Provider to Best Practice Network,
    you will be prompted with instructions for next steps within the DfE Online Service.
  • If your school has not yet had an ECT or is changing Lead Provider, the school will also need to
    register with Best Practice Network via the BPN website School’s registration form.
    • When you get to the question “If you were directed here by a local Teaching School Hub, Multi-School Organisation or training partner, please select from the dropdown below”, please select "The Education People".

Contact Details

ECT Induction Team - The Education People
Telephone: 03301 651300