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EatSafe survey

The KSCMP Business Team developed a survey to gain feedback related to the KSCMP EatSafe campaign.

We are relaunching the survey in order to get more responses from individuals.

If you are someone who has attended the KSCMP EatSafe launch, attended the KSCMP EatSafe training or webinar, or have downloaded or considered using the KSCMP EatSafe resources, then we would be very grateful if you could complete this survey about EatSafe. If you completed the survey back in July this year, please do not complete again as we already have your feedback.

The survey is designed to build a picture of whether EatSafe has been useful to practitioners, including which resources have been used or are the most useful. KSCMP is also interested in finding out if any resources could be improved or if there are any suggestions regarding additional resources. The survey will remain open until end of Monday 23 December 2024. It should take no more than 10 minutes. Please feel free to share the survey link with others in your organisation.

More information regarding what we plan to do with the information and our privacy notice can be found at the start of the survey.

Please complete the survey