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Educational Endowment Foundation (EEF): Survey on the Use of Teaching Assistants

Kent and Medway schools will be receiving requests for a headteacher or senior leader to complete a survey (available in electronic and paper format) regarding their use of teaching assistants (TAs).

The surveys along with additional information about the study will be sent to all Primary and Secondary schools on Friday 9 September and will be repeated again around the same time in 2017.

The survey is from Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) who have been commissioned by the EEF to undertake an independent evaluation of a unique approach being taken in Lincolnshire to scale up research use, with a particular focus on the use of EEF’s Guidance on 'Making the Best Use of Teaching Assistants'. Kent and Medway schools have been selected as comparison schools to Lincolnshire due to their similarity across a range of demographic characteristics, operating a selective admissions system and not currently being involved in any EEF scale-up campaigns.

SHU and the EEF would be extremely appreciative if you were able to complete the survey to help them understand if the approach being taken in Lincolnshire is successful and is therefore something that could potentially help inform other regions’ thinking with regards to deploying TAs and engaging with research evidence more broadly.

Thank you.

Contact Details

For further information please contact:

Ben Willis