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Educational Visits to London and other major cities Guidance

Well planned visits to London and other major cities can support a wide range of educational aims and outcomes.

The terror threat level in the UK is now at SEVERE after the recent tragic terrorist attacks in London Bridge, Manchester and Westminster. Information on Threat Levels - Mi5 website

Police and other security agencies have increased security and surveillance (including armed police at key sites) in London, Manchester and other major cities (as well as other areas including ports and public facilities) as a result of the attacks, but advice on restricting travel plans has not been issued by the UK Government or its agencies.

Therefore KCC is not issuing any restrictions on travel.

There will also be increased security on the transport system as well as at venues (e.g. bag searches, etc) which may cause delays. Schools should speak to their travel operators, their chosen venues or public transport operators e.g. Transport for London (TfL) for further information and ensure that arrangements are made for accommodating delays and informing parents of late arrivals if delays occur.

Schools and groups may wish to consider postponing their visit plans to London and other major cities or tourist attractions, and consider travel by coach rather than using public transport. Parents may wish to withdraw their children from visits; their wishes should try to be accommodated and common sense used regarding refunds of payments.

Schools should also ensure that school staff accompanying visits are fully briefed on the schools critical/emergency response plans and procedures, and have up to date communications information (i.e. 27/7 mobile contacts for senior staff on call). Schools should also consider the effects of delays and communication issues on groups out on visits, and ensure that any issues such as medical, special and behaviour needs of pupils can be accommodated if groups are unavoidably delayed.

Parents of pupils may be anxious and have questions regarding any plans for visits to London and other major cities, which schools should seek to address. Please contact the Outdoor Education Unit to discuss any specific concerns that arise.

We do ask that all visit plans are logged (and updated if plans change - including cancellations and rescheduling of visits) on the e-Go or EVOLVE systems to enable KCC to support schools effectively.

The KCC Outdoor Education Unit will continue to closely monitor the security situation, and will take its lead from the Government and its agencies regarding advice and guidance for Kent schools on educational visits.

Contact Details




The Outdoor Education Unit

03000 41 09 01

AEO North - Ian Watts

07919 212062

AEO East - Marisa White

07834 841560

AEO South - David Adams

07740 184848

AEO West - Nick Abrahams

03000 41 00 58