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Effective Learning Behaviours: book your place

The EEFective Kent Project is subsidising the cost of three evidence-based training courses this academic year.

The EEFective Kent Project is subsidising three evidence-based training courses this academic year which will be delivered by Kent’s Associate Research School (KARS) with Durrington Research School for eligible* Kent schools. Effective Learning Behaviours is one of the three courses and will be starting on Monday 5 December 2022. This course is aimed at Senior Leaders, Heads of Department and Key Stage Leaders working in all school phases.

The EEFective Kent Project is also offering fully funded support from an Evidence Leader of Education (ELE) to all eligible* schools who do the training. An ELE will work directly with your school to develop an implementation plan that meets your specific needs. Schools can use up to a day of ELE consultancy support to really understand the issues, to put the plan together, or to start putting the plan into action.

Further information about Effective Learning Behaviours, including the booking form, is available on Durrington Research Schools website

What have Kent Schools said about evidence-based training?

The EEFective Kent Project has run and subsidised other evidence-based training courses over the previous academic years, which have been positively received by Kent schools. Here is what some of them had to say:

  • “We have been extremely fortunate to be part of this program and have found it useful at all levels. The skills which we have learnt and the opportunities we have been given have benefitted students and staff.”
  • “It was really helpful that we have support visits from the same person (ELE) who is able to help us drive areas of this course forward across the school. They are very supportive and have lots of ideas which we can implement, while being aware of our own school journey. They are able to come into the school and see what we do.”
  • “Everything in the course was incredibly useful and the people running it were supportive and helpful.”
  • “It was a high quality experience with training being informed by good well researched evidence.”

KARS will also be delivering Effective Professional Development starting January 2023 and From Mitigation to Success: Improving Outcomes for Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Learners starting March 2023. These courses will also be offered to eligible* Kent schools at a subsidised rate. All eligible Kent schools can access the subsidised rate and offer of ELE support for up to two courses.

*Funding is only available to publicly funded Kent County Council schools or academies.

Embedding Formative Assessment: DfE Accelerator Funding

SSAT have recently announced funding for secondary schools to engage in Embedding Formative Assessment. The funding is being provided through the DfE’s Accelerator Fund, and further information about the offer and the application form are available through the SSAT website

The EEFective Kent Project will be providing primary schools with the opportunity to request 50% match-funding towards Embedding Formative Assessment this academic year. To request funding, primary schools need to submit an expression of interest to the EEFective Kent Project Mailbox by emailing Further information about this offer is available on the EEFective Kent Project webpage.