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Effective Learning Behaviours: final call for bookings

Have you signed up yet for the Effective Learning Behaviours course which starts on 5 December 2022? This Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) course will be delivered by Kent’s Associate Research School, Kingsnorth.

The Effective Learning Behaviours course is written by the EEF and based on their most recent guidance reports. It is appropriate for both primary and secondary phases and is subsidised by the EEFective Kent Project for eligible* Kent schools. It also includes full funding for an Evidence Leader of Education (ELE) to work with participating schools to implement the training.

Effective Learning Behaviours will be starting on Monday 5 December 2022 and there are still limited places available. If you are considering booking on to this course, please book now via Durrington Research School’s website

The EEFective Kent Project (EKP) is funding three different Evidence-Based Training courses this academic year. Schools can access up to two of these.

In addition to Effective Learning Behaviours, the following two courses are being offered:

For further information about the range of projects and training on offer through the EEFective Kent Project, please look through the EEFective Kent Project webpage.

The feedback from Kent schools who have accessed similar courses in the past has been very positive:

  • "The SI opportunity is superb, staff training has been informative and we look forward to working with them (EEF) in the future."
  • "We have been extremely fortunate to be part of this program and have found it useful at all levels. The skills which we have learnt and the opportunities we have been given have benefitted students and staff".
  • "The training, especially the work on implementation, has made us consider how to embed high quality SEL interventions in the school. This is something we will be working on and rolling out this academic year. The visit from the ELE was particularly helpful"

This is the last year that the EEFective Kent Project will be providing funding towards the EEF’s Evidence-Based Training courses and offering wrap-around support from an ELE. Please book now to ensure you do not miss out.