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Evidence-based Training: Important Updates

The dates for some of our evidence-based training courses have changed.

The evidence-based training guide has been updated to reflect this. There are a limited number of places available on these courses starting this academic year.

The changes affect the Evidence Informed Curriculum Development and SEND and Learning Behaviours courses. The new dates can be found in the evidence-based training guide. Applications will close when the courses are full or as set out below.

  • Evidence Informed Curriculum Development: Booking Requests will be accepted until 2pm on Friday 15 October 2021
  • Tackling Educational Disadvantage: Booking Requests will be accepted until 2pm on Friday 22 October 2021
  • Improving Memory and Metacognition: Booking Requests will be accepted until 2pm on Friday 22 October 2021

To request places on the above courses, please complete a booking request form

The SEND and Learning Behaviours* course is now full, however, you can use the booking request form to register your interest and join the waiting list for the next course. We are planning for a further course to run later this academic year subject to demand.

*This course is now free to eligible Kent Schools as the EEFective Kent Project and Kent Inclusion Fund are both providing 50% match-funding towards this course.