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FOI Request asking for the schools total operating budget for 2016 and 2017

We have been made aware of this ‘round robin’ request by several schools in Kent.

The FOI Act is applicant and purpose blind, therefore it doesn’t matter who is asking for the information (even if they live abroad) or why they want it, this must be treated as a formal request for information made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which must be responded to within 20 working days from date of receipt.

When dealing with the request the school should acknowledge receipt of the request, providing an expected date of completion (within 20 working days), unless you are in a position to respond immediately.

We understand that schools will hold this information and therefore should respond by providing the statistical information under the headings provided in my suggested response below.

If the information is published on the schools website you can provide the web link to the requested information.

Our suggested response is below.
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Dear xxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for your request for information asking for the schools total operating budget for 2016 and 2017.

Your request does not specifically clarify what elements of funding you would like included. Schools will receive funding through many sources which make up a school operating budget. However, to assist you we have provided the following:

2016 (Actual)
LA Funding
Other Income

2017 (Budget Forecast)
LA Funding
Other Income

If you are unhappy with this response, and believe the school has not complied with legislation, please ask for a review by following the schools complaints process; details can be found at this link xxxxxxxxx on our website, or from the school office upon request.

If you still remain dissatisfied following an internal review, you can appeal to the Information Commissioner, who oversees compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Details of what you need to do, should you wish to pursue this course of action, are available from the Information Commissioner’s website

Best regards
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Please visit the FOI page for further information.

This information is provided for advice only. Schools are public bodies in their own right and therefore subject to obligations under FOI. If the school has any concerns about dealing with this request, divulging information or interpreting the exemptions, please contact The Information Resilience and Transparency Team for further guidance at the following email address:

Contact Details

The Information Resilience and Transparency Team