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Fourth edition of teaching journal reveals best practice for research-led teaching

The Institute of Teaching and Learning at Sevenoaks School releases its annual journal, Innovate, which this year reflects on the themes of equity, diversity and inclusivity, and flourishing in education.

The fourth edition of Innovate features 15 articles from teaching staff, education professionals, academics from UK and international universities, and a student research fellow. The Upper Sixth student at Sevenoaks School discusses the value of practising gratitude in schools.

This year’s journal features articles from six guest contributors who bring fresh insight and share best practices from different education institutions. Authors include educators from Washington University, York University, Eton College’s Tony Little Centre, as well as the Kent Academies Network.

Created for teachers, the resource supports professional development and gives teachers research-informed ideas to implement into their own practice. The journal is divided into five topic sections, including: Learning to Learn, Wellbeing, Character Education, Digital Learning and Service and partnerships.

This issue sees several contributors concerned with the complex theme of equity, diversity, and inclusion and their articles reflect on how all students can be given encouragement and extra support, and how curriculum content can be adapted to address equality, diversity, and inclusion concerns. Other areas of discussion include the importance of student self-regulated learning as well as the key research-informed strategies to help students to master new knowledge and skills. Following on from last year’s findings from a research project undertaken by Sevenoaks School with Research Schools International and Harvard Human Flourishing Program, additional research projects on teacher interventions to enhance student flourishing are also presented.

Commenting on the publication of Innovate, Jesse Elzinga, Headmaster at Sevenoaks School says: “I am delighted that our Institute of Teaching and Learning is once again providing inspiration for reflection and development of teaching practice through a series of insightful articles published in our popular journal, Innovate. It is well known that teachers who work together collectively and collaboratively to understand their impact have the most significant effect on student achievement. This ethos is reflected in our Institute’s international connections with educators around the world.”

Examining key themes in education reflected on in Innovate, Mark Beverley, Director of the Institute of Teaching and Learning comments: "Following a disruptive few years for all schools, the broad range of articles in the journal remind us of the fundamental importance of sharing research-led best teaching practice. We believe Innovate is a useful publication for everyone in the education sector. This year’s edition features the most guest contributors we have ever had, which is testament to the journal’s ever-growing following and renown.”

Innovate is now available online at the Sevenoaks School website