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Free books for all children in your reception class - arriving November 2021

Time To Read returns this autumn - the free book gifting programme for all Reception year children in England.

Working in conjunction with BookTrust, Kent Libraries have ordered a Time To Read book pack for every child in a Reception class, on behalf of all Kent schools. Each pack includes a free copy of 'I Am a Tiger' by Karl Newson and Ross Collins, published by Pan Macmillan, alongside some top tips for reading together. I am a Tiger is a lovely story to read together, with simple text and bold illustrations - it’s a great book to read aloud and to share.

BookTrust’s Time to Read campaign encourages families to make time to read together, share stories every day and find the fun in reading. BookTrust wants to make sure that every Reception pupil in England has their own book to treasure and share with their family at home. That's why they are giving out 700,000 free copies of this year’s featured book to schools across England. This will hopefully whet the families’ appetite for books, and they can find lots more in their local library.

Usually Time To Read packs are delivered direct to schools in September to October. This year because of the pandemic they will arrive slightly later, from November 2021.

Your school’s Time To Read packs will be delivered direct to your school. The quantity you’ll receive matches your school's PAN figure, so there’s one free pack per child. Each pack includes a copy of this year’s featured book and a letter for parents and carers, all in a specially designed Time to Read envelope for children to take home. If your intake is higher than expected, there will be a chance to order additional packs (see bottom of this article for how to do this). There is also a letter for teachers that can be found inside your delivery boxes with lots of ideas to help you theme a lesson or activity around this year's Time to Read book, and get your class excited about reading with their family at home. You can also find it here on the Time to Read for Teachers website

Time to Read is a great opportunity to engage families with your pupils’ reading development. Make links with your local library - a valuable partner offering a fantastic source of ever-changing free books and other resources, and bring your pupils for a visit if you can. Encourage everyone to get a library card (it’s free) and make time to read all year round. Invite parents in for a Time to Read book gifting session too (at your school or a local library).

You can sign up as a teacher contact and get all the latest updates and resources, as well as find out more information on the Time To Read website. There's a useful Frequently Asked Questions section there too.

For queries about your delivery, or the number of packs ordered for your school, please contact

Contact Details

Karen Sillifant

Time to Read