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Free Aviva Community Fund opportunity for 25 schools

Schools can register their interest to join a successful green travel project for free - if the scheme gets enough votes in the Aviva Community Fund Poll.

Primary schools can put themselves forward to secure one of 25 fully funded places on an award winning green travel programme.

All they need to do is register their interest by emailing

The opportunity is being offered by the KM Charity Team which currently works with 200 Primary schools and succeeds in removing more than 300,000 school-run car journeys from Kent roads each year.

The children’s charity has entered the Green Champions project in this year’s Aviva Community Fund Poll. If enough votes are received, the project could receive funding that would enable 25 schools to enjoy the benefits of exciting green travel schemes at no cost.

The KM Charity Team offers schemes including Walking Bus, Green Footsteps, and Active Wow (Walk on Wednesday). All of the programmes encourage pupils to walk, cycle, scoot, or park and stride to school. Classes compete for the Green Class of the Week trophy plus monthly competitions to win prizes including tickets to leisure attractions, books, and visits from celebrity storytellers.

Groups of pupils such as school councils or eco committees become Green Champions by promoting the green travel schemes taking place at their school. They are rewarded for organising activities from family newsletters to presentations in assembly - that create a buzz around sustainable travel to their peers and parents.

The KM Charity Team has run green travel schemes for 17 years and is a five-time winner at the international Green Apple Environment Awards. The accolades were presented in recognition of its work in reducing traffic congestion and harmful carbon emissions as well as increasing the number of children - and their families - undertaking regular physical activity.

Chief executive of the charity, Simon Dolby, said: “We would be thrilled to invite 25 schools to join our programme at no charge and help them improve the health and wellbeing of pupils, teach vital road safety skills, and generate excitement about leading an eco-friendly lifestyle.”

He added: “I would urge interested schools to email us their details - all I ask is you support our endeavour and vote for our project! We need all the votes we can get if we are to secure the funding.”

Anyone can register for free at the Aviva Community Fund website and place up to ten votes to support the community project of their choice.

Voting closes on November 21. Visit the KM Charity Team website

Schools wanting to register their interest to be one of the 25 funded schools should contact

Contact Details

Simon Dolby
Telephone: 08442 640291