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Free PSHE Association twilight session for Kent schools

The Whole School Health Team are working with PSHE Association to bring you the very best twilight training opportunities to ensure that you can deliver high quality health education to the children and young people in your school.

This is an opportunity for an enthusiastic teacher, PSHE co-ordinator or member of your Senior Leadership Team, to join a twilight session focused on a key element of PSHE. You will receive copies of the presentation and resources to use in school following these workshops.

Two free twilight sessions, to support you in ensuring that children and young people have the knowledge, skills and support to grow and thrive.

  • Tuesday 22 March 2022, 4pm to 5pm - Primary schools healthy lifestyles
  • Tuesday 14 June 2022, 4pm to 5pm - Cross-phase drug and alcohol education

Places are limited, but we would like to ensure that as many schools as possible have the opportunity to attend. Please email us at to book a place.

N.B. The PSHE Association is the national body for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education.