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Free School Meal (FSM) Provision for February Break

Further to previous correspondence, we would be grateful if your school would issue supermarket vouchers for families eligible for free school meals for the February Half term holidays.

Funding has been set at £15 per eligible child for the February half term break. This applies regardless of your school’s individual holiday arrangements.

We ask you to use Wonde’s evouchers system to manage and distribute the vouchers. We appreciate a few schools are tied into alternative solutions and those schools or colleges can continue to make their own arrangements and invoice us for the cost of vouchers issued to eligible families. Please can all invoices reach us no later than the end of term for each break.

Please order vouchers this week. Details regarding the use of the evoucher system can be found in the full letter sent to schools (PDF, 270.2 KB).

If you have any queries, please contact us on and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.