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Free Summer holiday activities for children and families

Your families can take part in Kent Children's University's free Summer #KCUChallenge 2023.

Each year, Kent Children's University produces seasonal challenges for schools and families.

The Summer #KCUChallenge launched on Friday 14 July at 10pm consists of 24 activities for families, ranging in topic and complexity. These activities are suitable for children aged 5+.

The aim is to encourage parents and carers to take part in free or low-cost opportunities with their children during the summer holiday period.

Young people who are part of Children’s University can earn a varying number of Learning Credits for each activity completed outside normal school time.

Over the coming weeks Kent Children's University will publish information and idea sheets on their Facebook page to inspire families in how activities could be completed.

You can find out more about our Challenge activities at the KCU website

Do share this information with your families.

You can find out more about the Challenges (as well as extra support materials) at The Education People website or by visiting
the KCU Facebook page.

Kent Children's University Family Membership - 50% Discount until the end of August.

Whilst Children’s University used to be a solely school-based programme, we opened it more widely to families, where a child’s school was not involved or if the child was electively home educated.

For a limited time, we can offer children not involved with Children’s University through a school a discounted Family Membership enrolled fee of £12.50 for the year.

For more information, please visit The Education People website

Contact details

Kent Children's University
Telephone: 03301 651 180