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Free youth self defence classes promoting positive wellbeing in Maidstone starting 25 July 2019

Maidstone and Mid-Kent Mind are delighted to be offering free self defence classes in Maidstone this Summer.

These self defence classes will be led by a qualified instructor from Surge Self Defence, who are helping to deliver this project in partnership as a part of the wider ‘Reaching Communities’ programme MMK Mind are implementing until 2023. The programme will look at tackling mental health within young people in the areas of Maidstone and Swale, with wellbeing activities like self defence being a core part of the overall programme’s structure.

The aim of these self defence classes will be split between two key factors. The first is the hope that young people will be able to proactively engage with wellbeing activities, providing them with an opportunity to meet other young people, form lasting relationships and feel more confident in engaging within the community. The second is the hope that young people will walk away from the programme having learnt meaningful and valuable skills which they can utilise in their lives. This can be the self defence skills themselves; or the values of teamwork and leadership which come with those skills.

The course is being delivered during the Summer Holidays as we have found that, for many young people, a change in overall routine and schedule can be detrimental to mental health. It is our hope that this programme will feel that void, providing young people with an engaging programme which provides an element of routine as they prepare for a return to school.

If you know a young person who may benefit, this programme is entirely free as it has been funded through the Reaching Communities programme as a part of a National Lottery grant. For additional details, please email Xenia West on

Alternatively, you can call the MMK Mind office on a Monday or Tuesday and ask for Xenia. Our number is 01622 692383.

Full details can be accessed here Maidstone Mind website

Contact Details

Xenia West
Telephone: 01622 692383