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Freedom of Information Request - (open census) Headteachers and the Board of Governors Racism and Racist Apathy in UK Schools

Legally schools do have to respond to the element of this request that states: Request under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.

When dealing with this request the school must first acknowledge receipt of the request, providing an expected date of completion.

If this request was received by the school on 31st May the school has 20 working days (or school days) from date of receipt in which to respond. However this can be extended to take into account the school Half Term break. If the school returns on 6th June, this means you must respond by 4th July at the very latest. This may change according to your school's holiday dates.

Next, the school must review the information requested to see if there are any concerns about releasing it.

Most of the 27 questions are asking for an ‘opinion’ rather than for information the school holds. The FOI Act only covers recorded information you hold. When compiling a response to a request for information, you may have to draw from multiple sources of information you hold, but you don’t have to make up an answer or find out information from elsewhere if you don’t already have the relevant information in recorded form.

To clarify, here is the list of the questions that need to be considered for disclosure and I have annotated how I think the school should respond:

1. Can you give an explanation as to why you have decided to take part in this world record attempt? Or why you have decided not to take part in this world record attempt?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

2. How many Teachers and Teaching/support staff do you currently employ?

Provide this information.

3. How many Teachers, Teaching/support staff will/will not be submitting poems/thoughts or literary pieces?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

4. When we sent you the first closed Census - Why did you chose/not chose to click on the support us support you option?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

5. When we sent you the first closed Census - Why had you chosen to research us, or not to research us?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

6. When we sent you the first closed Census - Why had you chosen to contact us by phone, or chose not to contact us by phone?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

7. With such low (to none) number of Teachers having any training in diversity or racism courses, what is your School’s 5 year plan to address this shortfall?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

8. Does your School believe that Diversity Training is essential for all staff and is essential for the benefit and support of all students?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

9. Does your School believe that courses such as Understanding Racism and its Effects, and unconscious bias, are essential for all staff and will be a benefit and support for all students?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

10. Does your School believe that Diversity Training negates the need for any other courses such as Understanding Racism and its Effects?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

11. How is diversity racism training disseminated to staff throughout your school?

If held, provide this information.

12. How is diversity racism training disseminated to support all students throughout your school?

If held, provide this information

13. How is racism training disseminated to staff throughout your school?

If held, provide this information

14. How is racism training disseminated to support all students throughout your school?

If held, provide this information

15. Does racism or prejudice exist in the profession?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

16. If racism or prejudice exists in the profession, is your goal to eliminate it or at least attempt to reduce it? And how?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion – respond by using the paragraph provided below.

17. If racism or prejudice exists in the profession, what positive counter measures have you implemented in the last 3 years (24/04/2013 - 24/04/2016)

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

18. What strategies and policies have been put in place to address and understand racism and prejudice in your school?

If held, provide this information

19. Does your school recognise racism as an entity of its own rather than addressed as an act of bullying?

If held, provide this information

20. How does your school implement this recognition of question 16, for all staff and students?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

21. Does your school have an effective system of reporting and recording incidents of racism?

If held, provide this information

22. Does your school believe that an apology is sufficient to resolve any act of racism and If so Why?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

23. Does your school celebrate Black History Month and if not, why?

If held, provide this information.

24. Does your school celebrate Black History throughout the school year to promote positive reinforcement for all?

If held, provide this information.

25. How effective is the promotion and response to the celebration of Black History Month assessed in your school?

Unless recorded information held by the school, this is an opinion - respond by using the paragraph provided below.

26. Is your school willing to take positive proactive steps towards training in understanding and combating racism in school?

If held, provide this information

27. Are you willing to submit an annual update on race related training for Teachers (other than Diversity Training) in your school or would you prefer we contact you annually under FOI?

This question does not fall under the scope of the FOI Act - answer at discretion of Head Teacher.

Here is some suggested wording to use in answer to the questions that are asking for an opinion:

The Freedom of Information Act provides a right of access to recorded information held by public authorities such as the school. The Act’s provisions do not provide any rights of access to thoughts, opinions, comments or interpretations, unless they have been physically recorded in some way. Therefore the school will not be responding to your question because it believes you are seeking its opinion.

The response must also include details of what the applicant should do if they are not happy with the information provided (i.e: provide details of the school's complaints process).

This information is provided for advice only. Schools are public bodies in their own right and therefore subject to obligations under FOI. If the school has any concerns about dealing with this request, divulging information or interpreting the exemptions, please contact The Information Resilience and Transparency Team for further guidance by emailing

Further information can be found on the FOI page on KELSI.

Contact Details

Michelle Hunt