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Funding for your school - deadline EOP Wednesday 15 March 2017

Make sure your views are heard on the government’s proposals for the new National Funding Formula schools by completing this short survey set up by the Kent Association of Headteachers before the end of Wednesday 15 March.

As you will be very aware, the government is currently running a consultation about the new National Funding Formula for schools. The Kent Association of Headteachers is very keen to hear the voices of all schools in Kent and have asked us to forward a link to the survey they are running on this important issue. If you can complete this short questionnaire - it should take no longer than 15 minutes - before the end of Wednesday 15 March, that will give the Association time to collate a response and give this to government before the consultation closes.

KAH National Funding Formula survey

Please accept our apologies if you have already completed the survey.