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Getting ready for winter 2017

Winter-readiness information for Kent schools and nurseries - from Public Health England.

Public Health England have released their winter-readiness information for South East England schools and nurseries publication (PDF, 3.6 MB).

As winter approaches, it is important that schools are reminded and updated on important health considerations for their pupils/students, parents/carers and staff.

Pupils and staff in schools are particularly susceptible to infections which increase over the winter months, such as seasonal influenza (flu) and stomach infections (such as norovirus). These can be very infectious and cause outbreaks in school settings due to the close contact amongst pupils and staff. The spread of these illnesses can be limited by improving infection control practices within the school.

Young children and those with chronic illnesses are also at risk of developing complications from certain vaccine-preventable infections such as measles and flu. It is important that they are immunised to prevent any complications and to reduce the likelihood of outbreaks in a school setting. You may be aware that there has been an increase in reported cases of measles this year. Measles can be prevented through immunisation. Some useful information about measles is included in the resource pack found in the above publication.

This briefing provides:

  1. Key messages for head teachers on winter preparedness.
  2. Two checklists on flu and norovirus readiness and when and how to report outbreaks.
  3. Leaflets and further information on flu, norovirus, meningitis and measles.

Contact Details

Kent health protection team
Telephone: 0344 225 3861 - option 1, then option 1