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Have your say on Kent County Council’s Active Travel Strategy

We are asking people for their views on making Kent a more active and environmentally friendly county.

Kent County Council’s Active Travel Strategy aims to make travel by foot or on a bicycle an attractive and realistic choice for short journeys - or included in longer journeys using the bus or train.

By developing and promoting accessible, safer and well-planned active travel opportunities, it is hoped the strategy will help establish Kent as a pioneer for active travel.

The plan has been created to improve people’s lives in numerous ways, including improved health, reduced traffic congestion, reduced pollution and financial savings.

In Kent, almost half of adults fail to meet recommended levels of physical activity required for good health, and one third of Kent’s children are overweight or obese by the time they leave primary school.

In the county, one in 10 people walk to work and just one in 100 people cycle to work.

The council want to know what you think of the strategy and the ambition and actions outlined within it.

It is available to download from the website and people can have their say by completing the online questionnaire.

Hard copies and alternative formats of any of the consultation material can be requested by emailing or by telephone on 03000 42 15 53 (text relay service 18001 03000 42 15 53). This number goes to an answer machine, which is monitored during office hours.

The consultation will run for eight weeks from the May 18 to July 13.

Views will help shape the final strategy, which will be presented to the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee in November.

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