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Have your say on the future of Libraries, Registration and Archives (LRA) in Kent

We are consulting on our draft three year strategy for LRA and our proposal to tier libraries and review opening hours.

We would love to hear from your school or college and to include the voices of your young people in the response to this consultation.

Would it be possible for you to have a discussion with your classes, or school councils about Kent Libraries, perhaps asking:

  • Which Libraries do pupils go to?
  • What is their favourite thing about the library?
  • If they don’t go, why not?
  • Anything else they want to tell us?

It’d be great if any feedback could be sent to before 29 January 2019.

We want to ensure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to take part and any support you can provide in promoting the consultation to your pupils and parents will be gratefully received.

Please see the LRA Strategy Consultation page for the consultation documentation, including the draft strategy and full questionnaire.

Contact Details

LRA Consultation