Headteacher Briefings - November 2019
11 October 2019
We would like to invite all Headteachers to our termly Headteacher Briefings which are now co-produced with KAH.
We look forward to discussing with you and sharing views on the new Ofsted Inspection Framework with feedback from colleagues who have just experienced it; an SEND action update; the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Project with Kent schools and School Funding consultation overview. We hope you are able to join us and KAH colleagues at these briefings:
- Monday, 11 November - 9am for 9:30am start to 12pm - Ashford International Hotel
- Monday 11 November - 1pm for 1:30pm start to 4pm - Canterbury Cricket Ground
- Wednesday 13 November - 1pm for 1:30pm start to 4pm - Oakwood House, Maidstone
- Monday 18 November - 9am for 9:30am start to 12pm - Brands Hatch Hotel, Dartford
To reserve your place please email CYPESupportTeam@kent.gov.uk confirming your name, school and the session you are able to join.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at these briefings.