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Headteacher Briefings - November 2019

We would like to invite all Headteachers to our termly Headteacher Briefings which are now co-produced with KAH.

We look forward to discussing with you and sharing views on the new Ofsted Inspection Framework with feedback from colleagues who have just experienced it; an SEND action update; the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Project with Kent schools and School Funding consultation overview. We hope you are able to join us and KAH colleagues at these briefings:

  • Monday, 11 November - 9am for 9:30am start to 12pm - Ashford International Hotel
  • Monday 11 November - 1pm for 1:30pm start to 4pm - Canterbury Cricket Ground
  • Wednesday 13 November - 1pm for 1:30pm start to 4pm - Oakwood House, Maidstone
  • Monday 18 November - 9am for 9:30am start to 12pm - Brands Hatch Hotel, Dartford

To reserve your place please email confirming your name, school and the session you are able to join.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at these briefings.