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Healing Classrooms - new training opportunities

Information on Healing Classrooms and Trauma Informed Approach To Education programmes.

Many schools commented on the quality of the Healing Classrooms training delivered free of charge by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) last year.

This online training programme explores how to provide safe and supportive learning environments for refugee students in schools alongside practical advice and resources on how to incorporate social-emotional learning and trauma-informed pedagogy into the curriculum.

The programme has changed quite a bit since it launched Last year and the core offer, the Healing Classrooms programme has been reduced from four to three sessions, still held online form 4pm with each session being 90 minutes.

Schools can now sign up online to the training

Trauma Informed Approach To Education

The IRC also offer a separate programme on a trauma informed approach to education. These sessions are held online over two consecutive days, form 4pm for 90 minutes. This is open to anyone , with extra sessions to meet demand. Teachers can find a date to suit them through the IRC website