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Help shape NHS services in Edenbridge for your family

The NHS in Edenbridge is asking for your views to bring together GP services and community hospital and community nursing services into a brand new hub.

Families and residents in and around Edenbridge are being invited to give their views to help shape future NHS care locally.

Between now and Tuesday 19 July, the doctors’ surgery and Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT), which provides community services at Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital and in people’s homes, are asking for people’s opinions on proposals to bring their services together in a new health hub.

If you want to find out more you can come along to one of the sessions listed below. You do not need an appointment.

Sessions in the Day Centre at Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital:

Thursday 30 June, 3pm to 5pm

Other sessions in Edenbridge:

Eden Centre on Saturday 2 July, 10am to 12noon.
Families are welcome, activities will be provided for children.

Edenbridge Leisure Centre on Tuesday 12 July, 7.30pm to 9pm.

You can give your views and find out more at the Edenbridge future website

What’s happened so far?

About 50 people from most of the town’s main organisations attended a meeting at Edenbridge Women’s Institute Hall on Tuesday 24 May to kick off the discussion.

This was the start of a listening process which will be overseen by a group led by KCHFT and Edenbridge Medical Practice and including NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group, which plans and pays for healthcare in Edenbridge.

The group also includes representatives from the hospital’s League of Friends, the practice’s Patient Participation Group, the town council and Sevenoaks District Council, and local MP Tom Tugendhat. As part of the process, local schools, Children’s Centres and other community groups are also being asked to give their views.

Ian Ayres, Chief Officer of NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “We know the GP practice is too small and it will struggle as new homes are built in Edenbridge."

“We know how much affection local people have for the community hospital, but the building is not suitable to provide modern care in the future."

“There is no new money but basing the GPs and community services under the same roof in a health hub should mean it is easier for people and more cost-effective. Everyone knows that demand for NHS services is increasing every year. If we can do things more efficiently, we can do more for the same cost."

“But we need to know if such a hub would have your support and also to have your view on the health services that are most needed in Edenbridge. “Would any services work better on a larger scale elsewhere? And are there any new ones you want to see - more children’s clinics, perhaps? Or more services for frail, older people or for commuters? Are there any services which are duplicated, such as sexual health clinics? Please let us know your views.”

Edenbridge Medical Practice serves around 12,400 people in and around the town, but this is expected to
rise to almost 15,000 by 2020.

Dr Simon Morrison, GP and Senior Partner at Edenbridge Medical Practice, urged people to have their say before 8 July, when the first phase of public engagement closes. He said: “We need a new surgery and this gives us an exciting opportunity to reshape health services, running from modern premises to deliver first-class healthcare for years to come.”

As well as getting people’s views and ideas, the NHS is looking at what changes will have the greatest impact on health and how it can get the most out of the money available. After the feedback has been looked at, some proposed options will be drawn up and the community will be asked to comment specifically on these later in the year. Only after that will the CCG take a decision about which proposal to adopt.

Paul Bentley, Chief Executive of KCHFT, said: “We’re at the forefront of delivering really innovative solutions to treat people with more complex conditions at home, which is where many of you say you would rather be."

“We would like everyone in the town to get involved in helping the NHS to design services that are fit for future generations. This means telling us what your priorities are and what services you really value in your town.”

The NHS is asking for your views now until noon on Tuesday 19 July. To find out more, visit our website or email

Contact Details

Karen Edmunds or Julia Rogers
Telephone: 01622 211946