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Helping children with asthma to stay well

Children and young people with asthma or suspected asthma are being encouraged to come forward for lifesaving checks.

Safer Asthma website pictureAcross the UK, up to 30 children die every year from asthma.

With fewer children being diagnosed since the Covid-19 pandemic, the NHS is working hard to improve diagnosis and provide better support to those affected.

NHS Kent and Medway has launched its ‘safer asthma’ campaign to raise awareness of three simple steps which can help children and young people to manage their condition.

Do you know a child who has asthma? They need to:

  • see a healthcare professional once a year
  • get their inhaler technique checked
  • get a written asthma action plan (for school and home).

This September, we will be sending posters to schools across Kent and Medway to raise awareness of the campaign. You can download additional resources and find out more at the Safer Asthma website