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Increase in Scarlet Fever

Notifications of Scarlet Fever are on the increase nationally.

In light of an increase in notifications, Public Health England is reminding schools and nurseries about the signs and symptoms of Scarlet Fever and what action to take if you suspect a child in your care is presenting with symptoms.

Symptoms to look out for are: sore throat, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. After 12-48 hours a rash develops, initially on the chest and stomach then spreading rapidly to the rest of the body and making the skin feel like sandpaper in texture.

The infection is common in childhood and spreads through direct physical contact between children and staff and through shared contact at table tops, taps, toys and handles.

If you suspect a child in your nursery or school may have Scarlet Fever; please contact your local Health Protection Team for advice on 0344 225 3861 selecting Option 1 and then Option 1 again.

View the letter to schools from Public Health England for further information (DOCX, 55.5 KB)

Contact Details

Health Protection Team
Telephone: 0344 225 3861