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Information for children and young people about mental health and wellbeing

NHS Kent and Medway, Kent County Council and Medway Council have produced pocket-sized leaflets for children and young people about how to access mental health and wellbeing support.

During Mental Health Awareness Week, 200 of these handy guides were posted out to secondary schools. We hope you and your students have found them useful. If you wish to order more copies please send the quantity required (in multiples of 25), and delivery address by email, to the contact below.

You can see what the leaflets look like below:

We would ask that you don’t share these images digitally as the file format makes them inaccessible online. This follows feedback from children and young people saying they wanted the information in leaflet-form so they have something to hand at times they need support. For online information please refer students to the Kent and Medway Integrated Care System

As the leaflets are targeted primarily at 11 to 18 year olds, they weren’t initially sent to primary schools - but it has been suggested that some primary schools may wish to order leaflets for children in their final year. If you would like to make an order, as above, please send the quantity required (in multiples of 25), and the delivery address by email, to the address below.

To order, ask a question or comment about these leaflets, please contact the communications team at NHS Kent and Medway at

Contact details
