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Inter Faith Week 2016

Inter Faith Week 2016 will run from Sunday 13 November - Sunday 20 November in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Why an ‘eight day week’? This year, the Week begins on Remembrance Sunday and many people of different faiths and beliefs will be marking that in some way. It is hoped that the additional Sunday will provide the opportunity for other weekend events to take place.

Inter Faith Week resources for schools

Inter Faith Week:

  • Highlights the good work done by local faith, inter faith and faith-based groups and organisations
  • Draws new people into inter faith learning and cooperation
  • Enables greater interaction between people of different backgrounds
  • Helps develop integrated and neighbourly communities
  • Celebrates diversity and commonality
  • Opens new possibilities for partnership.

Building good relationships and working partnerships between people of different faiths and beliefs is part of the year-round work of many people and organisations across the UK.

Having a special Week provides a focal point, helping to open inter faith activity up to a wider audience so that more and more people are made aware of the importance of this vital work and are able to participate in it.

The three aims of the Week are:

  • Strengthening good inter faith relations at all levels
  • Increasing awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK, in particular celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society
  • Increasing understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs.

Inter Faith Week is for everyone. Some of the many kinds of organisations who have participated in previous Weeks include:

  • faith communities and their places of worship
  • community and voluntary groups
  • inter faith bodies
  • youth groups
  • schools and SACREs
  • institutions of further and higher education
  • local authorities and other public agencies
  • sports organisations
  • museums
  • businesses and workplaces
  • TV and radio stations
  • and many others.