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Is your school's calm zone our Wellbeing Space of the Year?

Tell us about the internal or external spaces you use to support wellbeing on your campus and win your school or staff an award.

Wellbeing Space of the Year. Tell us about the internal or external spaces you use to support wellbeing and it could win an award. Examples include: Sensory Garden; Gardening Club; Outdoor learning space; Forest School; Calm Zone; Wellbeing Hub; Sensory Room; Quiet space. Kent Mental Wellbeing Awards.

Having a dedicated space to support wellbeing is a great way to support both pupils and staff. This year's Kent Mental Wellbeing Awards are keen to hear about your space and how you incorporate it into the school community.

Examples of internal and external wellbeing spaces the judges are interested to have nominations focusing on include sensory gardens, gardening clubs, outdoor learning space, forest schools, calm zones, wellbeing hubs, sensory rooms and quiet spaces. Tell us about your space and it could win your school the Kent Wellbeing Space of the Year.

The Kent Mental Wellbeing Awards includes the themes of kindness and compassion, wellbeing and mental health - so schools should also consider submitting nominations focusing on antibullying initiatives; buddying schemes and inclusiveness - as well as those more directly supporting pupil or staff mental wellbeing.

The awards celebrate the people, initiatives and organisations making a positive contribution towards the wellbeing of the school community. Staged by the mental health charity East Kent Mind and supported by a range of organisations including Kent County Council, the event will highlight the good ideas used daily in the county's schools to assist with wellbeing in its broadest

Of particular interest to the judges this year are examples of schools involved in:

  • Buddying initiatives
  • Kindness campaigns
  • Anti-bullying campaigns aimed at promoting inclusiveness
  • Family wellbeing workshops
  • Pastoral care support
  • Wellbeing hubs or teams focused on wellbeing and mental health
  • Acts of kindness on campus or in the community
  • Nature areas or outdoor classroom experiences that assist pupils with learning in the natural environment.
  • Nature areas that allow students to relax, reflect and de-stress.
  • Outdoor gardens and allotments giving pupils hands-on experience of growing plants.

Schools should also consider detailing how the staff or volunteers have helped projects to succeed as the judges also like to make awards to people making a difference with wellbeing - not just the initiatives themselves.

Submitting a nomination is easy, simply visit the Kent Mental Wellbeing Awards website We recommend you create your nominations on a Word document and cut and paste the narrative on to the nomination form.

If you have any questions visit the East Kent Mind website. The awards information is located under the Get Involved tab, or email or call Simon on 07989 164 752.

Contact details

Simon Dolby
Telephone: 07989 164 752