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June is Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month

This June, the Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month competition theme is about great sporting or physical achievements.

Each June Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month aims to celebrate the culture and history of the Travelling communities in the UK and raise awareness to help combat widespread prejudice, stereotyping and misunderstanding.

Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month Competition 2016.

Simply The Best

2016 is the year of the Rio Olympics and European Football Championships in France. So accordingly, the theme of this year’s NATT+ GRTHM Competition is great sporting or physical achievements.

  • Do you know of any Gypsy Roma Traveller people past or present who have inspired you through their amazing
    sporting or physical achievements?
  • Which Gypsy Roma Traveller people have got to the top of their sport?
  • Do you know any Gypsy Roma Traveller Olympians?

NATT+ invites you to enter their contest and express your ideas. Use any medium you wish - a picture, a painting, a piece of writing or poem or something else.

The closing date is July 8th 2016.

Your entries must be about Gypsy Roma Traveller people and their sporting exploits - for example football, horse-riding
and boxing or skilled activities such as juggling, tight-rope walking and dancing!

Please keep artworks A3 or smaller.

For details of where to send your entries and to see a full set of rules please visit the NATT+ Simply The Best webpage or go to the NATT+ homepage.

The Inclusion Support Service Kent (ISSK) are a team of Specialist Advisory Teachers with an outstanding track record in narrowing the gap in achievement and improving the inclusion of Minority Ethnic and English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners, including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers in all education Settings.

To contact the ISSK Team please email or visit the website

Contact Details

Telephone: 03000 41 74 47