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KCC procure a new Education System

KCC award Servelec-Synergy the new Education system contract.

KCC are implementing a new Education system over the next 13 months, which started in January 2017. The new system, Synergy, provided by a company called Servelec-Corelogic, enables schools to share data automatically through a product called Unity.

Unity is similar to the current B2B solution used by many schools, but has more flexibility about the when the data is sent.

Five schools have kindly agreed to be part of the pilot which is planned for February/March. After the pilot a county wide deployment will be planned and communicated before implementation.

We are developing clear documentation to support and detail this information sharing. Signing up to this regular information sharing will bring many benefits for schools in terms of streamlining and automating notification processes for enrolments, attendance and exclusions.

This will also allow schools to easily meet the new statutory DfE requirements that have been in place since September 2016 for all schools to notify the LA within 5 days about any joiners or leavers.

Contact Details

Robert Underwood
Telephone: 03000 41 03 99