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KCC’s 2024-25 Budget Consultation

Have your say on KCC’s 2024-25 Budget Consultation.

Budget Consultation 2024-25 - Have Your Say

Every year Kent County Council (KCC) sets a budget to determine how much money will be spent on services. We provide a wide range of services to Kent communities and spend over £2 billion annually. KCC must set a balanced budget which means the money we spend must be equal to the funding we receive and raise.

We have been through an extraordinary period in the last few years with the Covid-19 pandemic followed by the significant economic turbulence, arising from international and national circumstances. As KCC responds to these challenges, it is even more important that we manage spending within the finances available, otherwise our budget will become unsustainable and threaten the viability of the services we provide. This will require some tough choices about priorities for the future.

As we plan our spending for the year ahead, we need to hear your views on:

  • our Council Tax proposals,
  • whether we are prioritising resources in the right areas, and
  • your suggestions for how we might find further savings.

This consultation runs until Wednesday 6 September 2023.

To take part, please visit the Budget Consultation website