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Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement

Please sign up to the latest version of the Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement.

Sharing personal information is crucial to the successful delivery of local services. The Kent and Medway Information Sharing Agreement (KMISA) provides openness and transparency in information sharing, as well as appropriate governance and support, which assists us to share personal information lawfully, safely and securely. It supports existing processes, and provides a best-practice framework for information sharing, even for processes covered by our or your privacy notices.

The KMISA is overseen and reviewed annually by the Kent and Medway Information Partnership (K-MIP), and was rewritten in 2018 to be GDPR compliant. It is not a KCC-owned agreement but a Kent and Medway wide partnership agreement. The aim is to have all public services within the county as signatories. KCC is just one signatory of many but is actively working to promote sign-up to it as this ultimately helps children and families. Many schools in Kent were signed up to the previous version of the KMISA but this is no longer valid since the introduction of GDPR, so it is important that schools sign up to the latest version. The current list of signatories in Kent and Medway can be viewed on the Dartford Borough Council website. If you are listed here as a signatory then you do not need to do anything further.

If you wish to sign up to the KMISA, please request a copy of the agreement at

Thank you for your support.