Kent and Medway’s children’s mental health Single Point of Access
22 March 2023
Change in process for referrals into Kent and Medway’s children’s mental health Single Point of Access from Monday 27 March 2023.
The Single Point of Access (SPA) referral pathway, delivered by North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), is experiencing challenges due to significantly increased demand coupled with a high number of email referrals being received with insufficient information. This will be exacerbated imminently by national NHS England changes to how mental health services can be accessed. Within Kent and Medway we have considered all options to better manage this anticipated increase in demand.
Therefore, the referral route into the SPA will be by telephone or online form from Monday 27March 2023. Email referrals will not be accepted from this date. Any emails sent after this date will receive an automated response to advise submission of the referral through telephone or the online form. This change will be reviewed after three months to ensure the change is effective.
The telephone number for the SPA is 0800 011 3474. The online form is available on the NELFT website. Self-referrals by young people or families are accepted, as well as those made on their behalf by a professional.
If you have any feedback to be considered as part of this review, please send it to