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Kent County Council's 2nd Annual Out of School Conference The Power of Play "Ask me, respect me, understand me and help me play"

The Early Years and Childcare Service will be running the 2nd Out of School Conference on Saturday 16 July 2016 at Oakwood House, Maidstone.

Play is integral to children’s development and learning. Out of School practitioners have the privilege of potentially creating highly inclusive play spaces, environments and play opportunities for children to express themselves through meaningful and powerful play experiences. This year Kent County Council’s Out of School Conference is offering delegates interactive workshops that link to children’s individuality, creativity and playfulness. Inspiring key note speakers as detailed below will identify the importance of interaction, communication and the values of creating and supporting effective play provisions in relation to children’s wellbeing and their desire to play:

  • Elizabeth Jarman leading education professional and sole provider of ‘The Communication Friendly Spaces Approach’
  • Stuart Lester Senior Lecturer in play and playwork at the University of Gloucestershire

This conference is open to practitioners working within standalone Out of School Childcare settings, Early Years’ settings offering wraparound care and school based Out of School Childcare. Practitioners will be able to attend a maximum of two workshops on the day and can choose from:

  • Create a space with Elizabeth Jarman
  • Bringing play to life and life to play with Stuart Lester
  • Create with Nature Naturally
  • Loose Parts
  • A sense of belonging - supporting children’s emotional health and wellbeing.

Practitioners will also have an opportunity to visit a range of market stalls offering advice, support and information to delegates.

Please book using Kent CPD online

Contact Details

Alison Richardson
Telephone: 03000 41 04 52