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Kent Educational Psychology Service has a new downloadable resource available

Grief and Loss is a new downloadable resource available free to all Kent LEA maintained schools.

This new downloadable resource has been developed by the Kent Educational Psychology Service to support staff wishing to increase their knowledge and understanding on the subject of bereavement and loss.

A comprehensive toolkit which includes:

  • Advice and practical activities for supporting children and young people through bereavement
  • Advice for support following death by suicide
  • Example school policies
  • Downloadable leaflets aimed at parents/carers, young people and school staff
  • Sample letters
  • Book list and useful addresses
  • Specific advice for preschool settings
  • A downloadable PowerPoint to aid school training
  • Advice for supporting pupils with SEN through bereavement.

The resource is free for all Kent LEA Maintained Schools

For non-Kent schools there will be a one-off charge to access the materials.

For full details or to view samples and order this resource please visit The Education People website

Further details about Kent Educational Psychology Service can be found here