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Kent Leaders of Education (KLE) recruitment

The next round of KLE applications open on 8 January 2018.

If you are a Headteacher and prepared to work with other schools to improve pupil outcomes, we would encourage you to apply to be a Kent Leader of Education.

Who can apply?

To become a Kent Leader of Education, you and your school need to meet the following criteria.

Criteria for Headteachers

To be eligible to be a Kent Leader of Education, you must:

  • have at least three years of successful experience as a serving Headteacher
  • expect to remain at your current school for at least two years after being selected
  • have accountability for one or more school(s) that meet the criteria below
  • have the support of your school’s Governing Body
  • demonstrate that you have sufficient experience of providing support to Headteacher(s) or senior member(s) of staff at a school, or schools, other than your own.

Criteria for the Headteacher’s school

For you to be considered as a Kent Leader of Education, your current school must:

  • have an Ofsted rating of good or better
  • show consistently high levels of pupil performance or continued improvement over the last three years
  • be above current minimum standards set by the government
  • have experienced senior leaders with capacity to work with other schools.

What a Kent Leader of Education does

The majority of the work of a Kent Leader of Education is one-to-one support of another Headteacher.

Typical activities include:

  • supporting school improvement
  • coaching and mentoring the Headteacher to develop skills, judgement and professional effectiveness
  • supporting or arranging coaching or training for staff in the supported school.

Each placement is negotiated separately with the commissioning body.

Schools that are a priority for support are those where:

  • attainment and progress take the school below the floor standards
  • the school is considered to be vulnerable and at risk of dropping an Ofsted category
  • a new, first-time Headteacher has been appointed
  • leadership, including governance, is not demonstrating sufficient impact of driving improvement at a fast enough rate
  • the quality of teaching is not improving rapidly enough to ensure outcomes are improving for all groups equally well.

The next round runs from 8 January - 26 January 2018 with selection taking place by the end of January. Candidates will be notified by 9 February.

To apply, Headteachers should first read the KLE Protocols and Guidance document (DOCX, 164.8 KB) and then complete the KLE application form (DOCX, 24.3 KB). Email the completed form to

Contact Details

Leadership and Governance team