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Kent Scheme Pay Award for 2021/22

An update regarding the annual Kent Scheme Pay Award for 2021/22

The normal TCP process will apply this year and an individual’s pay award will be linked to the assessment rating submitted.

This means there will be a requirement to make assessments this year, following a review of performance and Total Contribution. The usual TCP Rules will be applicable with regards to pay progression and assessments.

It is important that the positive outcomes delivered by all staff are recognised in an inclusive, equal and fair way. This will include taking into account every team member’s practical opportunity to deliver when setting expectations and assessing their contribution – such as working part time hours.

Kent Scheme Pay Scales and Total Contribution Pay for Kent Schools

As in previous years Kent schools, who have made provision within their pay policy to do so, are able to exercise local discretion regarding the percentage increases applied to each of the performance ratings.

Schools which follow Kent Scheme are required to apply the new grade bandings for the Kent Scheme pay scales effective from 1 April. For schools operating a September to August pay cycle, an appropriate Pay Policy needs to be in place.

As with previous years, it is anticipated staff at the top of the grade, depending on the level of their assessment, may have the opportunity to exceed the grade maximum and receive a lump sum payment. Please be reminded you should check with your team if they wish to take the opportunity to receive the lump sum payment in 12 equal instalments. Please liaise with your payroll provider regarding the process for administering monthly lump sum payments.

Please note, the annual pay award cannot be confirmed to Kent Schools until pay negotiations with KCC’s recognised Trade Unions and County Council discussions have taken place. This process is usually concluded by mid to end of March. Communications will follow once the decision and communications have been confirmed.

This communication has also been sent from the Corporate Director’s office to the Headteacher or nominated persons in each Kent school.