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Kent Youth County Council Elections 2019

Registration is now open for all schools and youth organisations to register to take part in this year’s Kent Youth County Council elections, thank you to those who have already signed up.

You can register as a Polling station and register young people aged between 11 and 19 to stand for election at the Kent Youth County Council elections page

Schools and youth organisations can now register to be Polling Stations for the KYCC Elections that will take place from 11 to 24 November 2019. Last year Secondary schools and youth organisations across Kent took part in the elections and enabled over 20,000 young people to vote.

If you would like to run the elections within your school or organisation - register now

You will be asked how your school would like to take part in the elections. You can request paper ballot slips, online voting or a combination of the two. Paper copies will be delivered to your schools before the voting window begins and collected once the voting window has closed.

Young people aged 11 to 19 years can also sign up to stand as a candidate for the elections and can stand for election in the following ways:

District Seats

Young people aged 11 to 19 years are elected as Members and Deputy Members within each district. Young people have the opportunity to get involved in lots of opportunities including campaigning and lobbying decision makers for change. KYCC Members meet regularly with KCC Members and have the opportunity to get involved in making a difference to the lives of young people in Kent. KYCC Members also elect seven young people to represent Kent nationally at UK Youth Parliament, which includes the opportunity to debate in the House of Commons.

Young people don’t need any experience to get involved; just a want to get involved, take a stand and make a difference.

Young people would would like to to represent their local district can complete the District Candidate registration form

Community Seats

We also elect Member to Community Seats, to ensure KYCC is representative of all communities within Kent. Young people who feel they could represent community groups such as LGBTQ+, ethnic minorities, young carers; Gypsy, Roma, Traveller young people; and home educated children, can complete the Community Candidate registration form

Young people who would like to stand as either a District or Community seat can find out more about the opportunity on the Kent Youth County Council elections page

If you would like further information email or visit the Kent Youth County Council elections page

Contact Details
