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Key Stage Data Collections Guidance Notes

2018 editions are now available to download.

All information notices regarding the completion and submission of the 2018 statutory EYFSP, Phonics, KS1 and KS2 Teacher Assessments are now available to download from Kelsi.

The notices together with a copy of the letter that was posted to all schools on 21 May 2018 can be found on the Key Stage Data Collections page

Last Submission Dates

  • EY FSP - Friday 29 June 2018
  • Phonics - Friday 22 June 2018
  • KS1 TA - Thursday 28 June 2018
  • KS2 TA - Thursday 28 June 2018**

** As previously stated Management Information will not be able to collect, cleanse and forward to NCA Tools any KS2 Teacher Assessment outcomes in 2018. Instead, all schools will have to submit their own data to NCA Tools and amend any errors by Thursday 28 June. Further details on accessing NCA Tools can be found on the Key Stage Data Collections page.

It is our intention to provide schools with a pupil level report of the data they have submitted (EYFSP, Phonics and KS1 only) before the final DfE deadlines. This is to ensure that there are no data entry errors that will be carried forward into your new Making Figures Speak for Themselves profiles and provisional 2018 ASP data.

However, due to the volume of files we receive in a short space of time, we would appreciate it if schools submit their results to us at least a few days before the deadline dates given above and on the guidance notes. Once we have processed your data a pupil level file will be transferred to you via Perspective Lite.

We will email you at the same time to let you know the file has been uploaded. The email address we will use is printed on the letter that was posted to all schools on 21 May.

This service is free of charge if your results are returned to us by the deadline. If they arrive after this date the provision of the reports will be provided on a discretionary basis by Management Information.

Contact Details

Management Information