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Kingsnorth English Hub - free phonics showcase events

Remote and face-to-face funded showcases to demonstrate excellent practice in the teaching of early literacy.

These half day events provide participants with the opportunity to share best practice in the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics and early reading whilst promoting a love of reading.

Help every child become a reader - events will include:

  • An introductory talk explaining key leadership decisions that have enabled reading to be a success in Kingsnorth CEP
  • A learning walk to showcase good phonics practice with exemplification on what can be achieved through participation in the programme followed by a discussion
  • Information about the hub support offer and requirements for entry into intensive support
  • Details on the DfE validated systematic synthetic phonics programmes
  • Guest speakers covering phonics or early language acquisition
  • An opportunity to reflect on your school’s own practice
  • Practical activities and ideas to take away
  • How to access resource funding and follow up support after the event
  • Access to reduced rates from publishers and resource providers.

If you fall into any of the categories below, then headteachers and/or senior leaders are invited to accompany reading leaders to the event;

  • Phonics Screening Check score below national - 83%?
  • Low attainment in the bottom 20%?
  • Pupil premium percentage higher than average - 22.9%?
  • Ofsted grading requires improvement or below?
  • High proportion of hard to reach groups?

Cover and travel costs will be reimbursed if you meet any of the above criteria and your Headteacher attends the event.

Showcase events will run from 9am until 12pm at Kingsnorth CEP in Ashford on:

  • Tuesday 8 November 2022 (remote)
  • Thursday 17 November 2022
  • Monday 5 December 2023 (remote)

Please email or visit the Kingsnorth English Hub website to book your place.