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Kooth: July 2022 Newsletter

Summer is here - and so is Kooth, all through the summer holidays!

Kooth -You are not alone this summer. Find support on

There are lots of positive mental health impacts associated with summer; being out enjoying the warm, sunny weather can increase your vitamin D to raise energy levels and improve your mood; there are more opportunities to get out and about to connect with others and nature; having time to exercise can have positive physical and mental health benefits; and often during the school holidays, we have time to relax a little and invest in self care, whether that is time to read a book, learn a new skill, or reassess our personal goals.

However, for some people, the summer period can also be a challenging one; increased feelings of loneliness from being away from friends; a lack of routine leading to increased feelings of anxiety; low mood possibly exasperated by all the Instagram perfect lives being shared on social media which may not reflect our reality; or difficulties maintaining healthy sleep habits due to the longer, lighter evenings.

However, your young people are feeling, Kooth is here; either as a community to reach out and engage with or as somewhere to find further support whenever they need it.

Please see below some resources for you to share to raise awareness of the free, safe and anonymous support available to your students and young people over the summer period. You can find more resources, including digital assets to share on your social media pages, at the Promote Kooth website

Please find further guidance, information and resources in the Kooth July 2022 Newsletter (PDF, 4.4 MB).

Reach Out
Please reach out to your local Kooth Engagement Lead if you have any questions, would like to order resources, or are interested in booking any Kooth sessions for your staff or students:

Contact Details

Karen Dawber, Kooth Engagement Lead covering Kent and Medway)