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Less is more with Green School Awards

School energy-efficiency projects are set to be among the big winners in an environmental awards scheme.

The Green School Awards 2020 aim to celebrate school-led projects in fields including green travel, conservation, air quality, recycling, and health and wellbeing.

They are open to Primary and Secondary schools across the South East and will reveal winners for each district as well as overall champions.

The judging organisations include Maidstone lighting firm NCS Technology, which is particularly keen to see nominations for energy-efficiency initiatives.

The firm’s technology director, Mike Cardno, said: “NCS are predominantly an education-based technology company, and part of our product range is supplying and installing energy-efficient lighting. This is our second year at the Green School Awards, and we’re supporting the energy conservation part of the scheme.”

He continued: “It’s really great to see kids getting involved in switch-off and walk-to-school campaigns. These kids are going to be the energy-efficient challengers of the future.”

NCS Technology Sponsors the Green School Awards 19/20 from Inspire Schools on Vimeo.

Anyone from a school can submit a nomination - including teaching and support staff, volunteers and parents - but the deadline to complete the online form is Sunday 1 December.

As well as NCS Technology the judging panel includes representatives from East Kent Recycling, the Ethical Earth Company, Golding Vision, Loop CR, SGS Energy, Streetspace, Medway Council and Ashford International Hotel, the latter of which will also provide the venue for the glittering awards ceremony in February.

Details of winning projects and schemes will be collated in a best practice brochure available for free download to encourage other schools to follow their lead.

To find out more, or nominate, visit the Green School Awards website

Contact Details

Karen Brinkman
Telephone: 01227 475966