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Let’s celebrate the International Romani Day!

International Romani Day is this Friday 8th April so let’s celebrate Romani culture and raise awareness of the issues facing Romani people.

In light of this, we wanted to remind you of the training and support the Inclusion Support Service Kent (ISSK) offers.

ISSK’s main focus is on raising the achievement and improving the engagement, wellbeing and inclusion of vulnerable learners specifically Minority Ethnic pupils, Gypsies, Roma or Travellers and those with English as an additional language (EAL).

ISSK is a traded service which provides specialist support, training, advice, coaching and mentoring to schools, settings and professionals working with children, young people and communities.

ISSK hold a number of training courses throughout the year, several of which are aimed at raising awareness for Gypsies, Roma or Travellers (Raising the attainment and Inclusion of GRT in EYFS - SCH 16/895, Inclusion and raising cultural awareness for Gypsy, Roma & Irish Traveller communities - SCH 16/915).

For more information and to view a full list of ISSK’s courses, visit the School Improvements website.

Or contact the ISSK Team for further information.

Contact Details

Telephone: 03000 41 74 47