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LGBT Training for Primary and Secondary Schools

Learn practical strategies to train staff in your school on tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying and language and celebrating difference in an age-appropriate way.

The Inclusion Support Service Kent (ISSK) is an accredited Stonewall Partner supporting schools to meet the needs of their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans pupils.

Our LGBT Train the Trainer courses give, SLT, Inclusion coordinators, Pastoral Support, and Anti-bullying and PSHE Leads the knowledge, tools and confidence to train colleagues on tackling HBT bullying and celebrating difference within their schools.

Training Objectives

  • Learn practical strategies to train staff in your school on tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying and language (including phrases like ‘that’s so gay’) and celebrating difference in an age-appropriate way
  • Gain an overview of national data relating to HBT bullying and its impact on pupil achievement and school performance
  • Help schools to meet their legal and Ofsted requirements under the new inspection framework and support schools in promoting British values
  • Create an action plan for your school
  • Be inspired by best practice from other schools.

Please book using CPD Online

View all of the upcoming events hosted by ISSK here.

ISSK Contacts
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For further information regarding ISSK, please contact

Gillie Heath, Manager
Telephone: 03000 41 70 93
Mobile: 07880 784528