LLSE successful bidder for SEND support contract
29 June 2021
As part of our drive to support schools in being able to cater for more diverse and complex needs, we are pleased to announce the intention to award a contract to the Leadership Learning South East (LLSE) Consortium to deliver an Inclusion Leadership Service (subject to pre-contract award checks).
The delivery will take place over a period of two and a half years from 1 September 2021 to 31 March 2024. LLSE are one of only nine providers awarded the NPQH delivery contracts and have considerable experience at delivering high quality training to senior education professionals. This Leadership model was co-designed with colleagues from Kent Association of Headteachers (KAH), the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), the Education Development Trust, and NASEN Whole School Send. The core elements of the model were consulted upon widely with schools and partners as part of the Kent Inclusion Conversation from September to October 2020.
The Inclusion Leadership Service will deliver three main strands of activity:
- Inclusion Peer Review:
- Proactively engage schools to establish and coordinate networks of Inclusion Peer Review Clusters, supporting self-evaluation and action planning.
- Deliver training on engaging with peer-to-peer approaches and reviews and the implementation of the Kent Inclusion Framework.
- Leadership of Inclusion Development Programmes for School Leaders
- Develop and provide training in Inclusion Development Programmes at both Middle, Senior Leader and Headteacher, Executive Headteacher level.
- Designation, training and deployment of Inclusion Leaders of Education (ILEs). ILEs will be sought from a range of professionals with evidence of impactful practice, this may include current KLEs, SLEs and NLEs.
- Provide core induction training and support to prepare ILEs for their role in facilitating Inclusion Peer Review Clusters and disseminating best practice.
Schools and ILEs will be able to access funded release time, to enable full engagement to the programme.