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Local Authority staff visiting schools

We would like to clarify the issue of social workers and other staff visiting schools with the sole purpose of seeing children alone.

We have been made aware that some schools are asking those who work for children’s services to produce proof of identity and proof of DBS clearance.

We have considered how best we might reassure you regarding the position of social work staff, Early Help workers and other council staff working in schools and have been advised that, in line with DfE and Ofsted guidelines, we should do this through written confirmation to schools.

We are writing to provide confirmation that all social work staff and other staff working for children’s services employed by Kent County Council who work frequently with children have been subject to an enhanced DBS check. “Frequently” is defined as once a week or more often or on four or more days in a 30-day period. In respect of social work, this covers the position of Social Workers, Social Work Assistants, Senior Practitioners, Team Leaders, Heads of Service, Operations Managers and Area Directors. This applies equally to both temporary and permanent staff.

Other council employees who are also covered are those that work for the Early Years’ service, educational psychologists and the inclusion service.

All staff are, of course, required to provide proof of identity when they visit your school, and this should be the photo identity card with the KCC logo. Failure to present the required identification will obviously restrict that workers movements within your school.

If you have any queries regarding this letter, please contact your Area Education Officer.